
Ryan, C4TM Team


Ryan Strain

Vocals (all)



"Compassion has opened my eyes to love"

Ryan's throughts

Reflections is a song about introspection and self-awareness. It's only when we accept and understand the truth about ourselves that we can start to understand others. If you live empathically, with love and compassion, those traits will begin to reflect themselves in those around you, creating a beautiful shock wave that echoes through every corner of the world. Live in love and others will follow.

Join the chaos

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No problemo - just download the appropriate file and send us your stuff:


Evolution of heart and soul
Internal transformation
Remade anew

Journey within your own existence
Through the eyes of another
Pass through an empathetic channel
Of consummating consciousness
Open windows to self-awareness
An endless sojourn of open minds

Compassion has opened my eyes to love
I can barely see the darkness anymore
Evolution of heart and soul
Internal transformation
Remade anew

Oh, it takes courage
And it takes strength
To look inside yourself
And admit what you can change
Embrace the truth
Let go of your pride
Before you lose yourself
Before you lose it all to darkness

Compassion has opened my eyes to love
I can barely see the darkness anymore
Evolution of heart and soul
Internal transformation
Remade anew

Live in love and others will follow

Look inside and recognize
Who you're meant to be
Your inward view reflects a light of life around you
Look inside and you will see
Who you truly are
Your inner light reflects us all

Compassion has opened my eyes to love
I can barely see the darkness anymore
Evolution of heart and soul
Internal transformation
Remade anew


Protogirl Title Image Photo credit: h.koppdelaney on / CC BY-ND